Iliotibial band syndrome
But what does this condition eat during winter? In fact, “syndrome” initially implies a group of symptoms. Thus, there may be no specific injury, but several different symptoms that can vary from one individual to the next. This condition is often well known in runners, mainly due to repetitive movements during running or during a prolonged static posture. It generally progresses gradually and not traumatically.
Zoom in on the anatomy and mechanism of injury
The iliotibial band is a large and thin rigid band, running down the the exterior of the thigh to the knee. This band is the connection of the hip muscle, the tensor fascia lata muscles, and contributes to the stability of the knee. This muscle also contributes to certain hip movements such as the skater’s movement when tilted; it works in conjunction with the gluteal muscles.
However, weakness or injury of the gluteal muscles can cause abnormal overuse of the tensor fascia lata muscles, causing rigidity in its connector, the band. This type of condition is also observed with a change in the positioning of the pelvis and lower back, with its origin at the front sides of the pelvis.
Overview of treatment
It is important to note that evaluating the condition allows the main cause of the condition to be better targeted. Thus, a better understanding of the source optimizes recovery and prevents a relapse of the injury.
That being said, the first notion to integrate is the principle of releasing the tensor fascia lata muscles, and therefore the tension placed on the band. This can be done by self-massage with the hands, a massage roller, or a rolling pin. Another way to change the tension on the band is to proceed with a skin and fascias peel with suction pads.
The second notion to consider is strengthening the muscles that have been weakened, which led to an overuse of the tensor fascia lata muscles. Muscles that are frequently weakened are the gluteal muscles and the hip adductors (internal thigh muscles). These issues can be habitually remedied with strengthening exercises.
Finally, it can be helpful to work on knee stability with different levels of balance exercises. It is also possible to provide external “feedback” by relying on taping to release and support the external portion of the thigh/knee.
In conclusion
IT band syndrome can occur in various contexts. As a first step, it is important to cease the activity that provokes pain, or at least reduce the volume and intensity. Next, identifying the source of the tension is essential to obtain a complete recovery. Finally, patience and diligence in completing exercises is the key to success!